上個星期,一位朋友詢問我關於[紀 錄] 2006部落格流量統計這篇文章一個問題,當下考倒我。
How often?他們會重複造訪嗎?
  • 從95/10/18到12/31,總單一造訪人次共有6884人,其中有70.6%人在這段時間第 一次來訪本站,有29.40%在10/18前就來過了。由此可見於10/18後造訪人次增加了兩倍以上。
文章中寫到了,由於我10/18才加入了Google Analytics,但為何報告中呈現有29.40%在10/18前來過,在日前我沒有加入Tracking code,為何報告中可以分析日前的數據?

我如何得到這項數據?是從"Prior Visitor" 當中得知,我限定10/18~12/31的日期,並且得到Prior Visitor為29.4%。首先,我必須先確認我對於這項名詞的定義沒有認知錯誤。
Prior Absolute Unique Visitors is the number of visitors (counting each visitor only once) who first visited your site prior to the active date range and who returned for one or more visits during the active date range.(資料來源:Google Analytics)
在Google Blog中在元旦時發表了"Absolute Unique Visitors" versus "New and Returning"這篇文章,落落長的文章就是為了解釋容易 讓人搞混的Absolute Unique Visitors中"First Time"與"Prior Visitor"以及"New"與"Returning Visitor這四項數據",文章以實例解釋,讓人一目了然這四者名詞中的定義不同。
Assume the date range is May 1-31.User A visits for the 1st time on May 5th and then returns to the website on 12th and 17th of May.User B visits on April 8th and then again on May 5th and 12th.
In Absolute Unique Visitors: User A will be counted as a First Time (New) Unique Visitor on May 5th, and User B will be counted as Prior (Returning) Unique Visitor. User A and User B will not be counted as a Unique Visitor (either first time or prior) for any subsequent visits (May 12 and 17th).
In New vs. Returning: The visit on May 5th from User A gets counted as a visit from a "New" visitor. Subsequent visits from User A (May 12 and 17th) get counted as visits from a "returning" visitor. All of User B's visits are counted as visits from a returning visitor.
(資料來源:Google Analytics Blog)

Original Message Follows:
Subject: the definition of Unique Visitors
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2007 18:59:42 -0800

I have a question about the definition of Unique Visitors.
I added google analytics to my blog on Oct 18. The report(Oct 18~Dec 31)shows that Prior Visit is 29.4%. Is that means 29.4% of total absolute visitor came to my blog before Oct 18, and they visit here once or more after Oct 18?
If yes, my question is, I added google analytics to my blog on Oct 18, but why google analytics can track the data before Oct 18?
Thanks for your help.


Name: PatriciaChan
Language: b5

Dear Patricia,

Thanks for your email.

I have looked into the report you mentioned. Yes, You are right. Proior Visit mean this visitor came to your website before the date range you choose. Google Analytics will not collect website data before you put the tracking code on your website. However your report should meet some mistakes.
I've escalated this issue to our technical team - they're currently investigating the situation, and we will contact you as soon as we've found a resolution. Thanks for your patience as we work to resolve your issue.

Google Analytics


另外,我想他們會五天後才回覆我,可能是我英文寫的太爛。"I have looked into the report you mentioned" 第一句話就透露出他們可能看了很久才看懂。"I added google analytics to my blog " 我在寫這句話就覺得超怪,擺明的中文式英文,但我一時間想不到該如何解釋,原來"you put the tracking code on your website"這麼白話解釋就OK了!唉唉唉唉唉…我的英文能力早已隨著年齡增長而退步了!

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